01 March 2019
An Insider Perspective
on the Script in Practice
Vincenzo Giarrusso
The machinations of industry, the exigencies of film funding and the producer’s prominent role in setting fiscal and marketing objectives for film production seem incongruous with scriptwriting as a generative creative practice in the filmmaking process.
01 March 2019
An Insider Perspective
on the Script in Practice
Vincenzo Giarrusso
The machinations of industry, the exigencies of film funding and the producer’s prominent role in setting fiscal and marketing objectives for film production seem incongruous with scriptwriting as a generative creative practice in the filmmaking process.
01 March 2019
An Insider Perspective
on the Script in Practice
Vincenzo Giarrusso
The machinations of industry, the exigencies of film funding and the producer’s prominent role in setting fiscal and marketing objectives for film production seem incongruous with scriptwriting as a generative creative practice in the filmmaking process.
Zooming In: Multiculturalism
Through the Lens of
the Next Generation
A response to calls to reimagine Australian multiculturalism for the 21st century, this project explores how the experience of diversity for young people today differs from that of earlier generations. In contrast to their parents, young adults these days have grown up in a society in which diversity is the norm and, in the case of the children of migrants, ‘home grown.’ The project explores what diversity means to this generation- whether they are Indigenous, Anglo, migrant or second-generation Australians.
Zooming in: The impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Asian-Australians in Victoria
A response to reports of a spike in racist incidents during the Covid-19 pandemic, this research examines the experiences of a range of Asian Australians living in Victoria. In a context where economics, technology and social and cultural politics in multicultural and diverse communities are rapidly changing, the research seeks to understand how the pandemic has shifted the parameters of racism in contemporary Australia along with its impacts on Asian-Australians. We hope with research to spread awareness of the issue with a view to countering it.
For further information about projects, events and online focus groups, please check back soon.